Tuesday, July 31, 2007

You are the adult, not the child

Strong boundaries are a sign of good parenting. If you are old enough to have children, stop acting like one.

If your parents failed with you, you need to recognize and correct. The rest of the world will not forgive their mistakes. In fact, those nasty looks are indeed aimed squarely at you and your howler monkeys.

Parking your three children in front of the register at Starbucks at 8:55 a.m. and saying “Do you want this? What about this? Or this?” Repeat in triplicate while a mob grows behind you.

If you MUST, give children a choice. Juice or milk. Apple or banana. Cookie or muffin. In my childhood, I took what I was given and was grateful for it.

Your precious num-nums will eat and drink or go hungry and thirsty and appreciate what they have next time. And the rest of the working poor can get finally step around your Cadillac-sized stroller, Louis Vuitton bag stuffed full of crap, Chanel sunglasses and Ralph Lauren outfit for our $5 half-caf, no-foam, no-whip venti chai lattes and get to work.


Anonymous said...

Amen. I was recently at a large airport that was low on Starbucks. The one I found was staffed by one person and the gate was for an international flight w/ some american teenage ambassadors. Ten were in line for frozen drinks and the adults at the end of the line could have killed them Learn some manners, if some adults don't get their caffeine, you don't want to see it. I found another Starbucks and got coffee after 45 minutes. those kids needed to be slapped.

Anonymous said...

Love your work, both here and at Behind the Counter. Refreshing to find one who tells it like it is!

Is it okay if I mention your blogs on a childfree board? Let me know if you'd rather I didn't.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the most depressing part is, that as a parent who doesn't let her kids act like howler monkeys, *I'm* the one getting the stare of death/ugly comments the moment my little one lets out a squeak. Which is PROMPTLY squelched.
Seriously people. Put a leash on your monster offspring. Tell them "no." Take them out when they're yelling. Don't let them wear "wheelies" in the supermarket. Don't let them play tag in restaurants. You're wrecking it for those of us who understand that making our kids BEHAVE is doing them a favor. Oh, and it IS possible to enforce discipline without screaming and/or beating.